“There had been marked improvement in the percentage of policy resolutions generated by the Agriculture and Fisheries Councils (AFCs) through the effort of Partnership Development Division (PDD)”.
This is one of the observations highlighted during the presentation of Planning, Monitoring and Knowledge Management Division Chief Estrella Tulay on the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) 2017 Mid-Year Performance Review and Planning Workshop held on August 10-11, 16-17 and 24, 2017 at Apacible Hall, DA Compound in Quezon City.
The increase in number of policy resolutions was due to the rigorous trainings facilitated by the PDD Capacity Development Section for AFCs nationwide such as technical development writing and competency advancement on policy-making and engagement.
PCAF conducts a review of the agency’s 2017 1st semester accomplishment and a planning workshop for the 2nd semester of the year for purposes of improving engagement, transparency and accountability among the operating units.
It was participated by Executive Director Sarah Gutierrez Cayona, OIC Deputy Executive Director Alexander Daroya, Division Chief of PCAF’s four operating units (OUs), section chiefs, committee members and selected staff/employees.
Standing committees of PCAF includes the Bids and Awards Committee, Gender and Development, Grievance Committee, PRAISE and Senior Citizens Committee reported the status of their physical and financial performance for the first semester and provided updates of their programs and projects for the second semester.
Presentation of output of PCAF’s four divisions followed afterward. Meanwhile, section chiefs also presented their respective accomplishment for the 1st semester and their targets/deliverables for the 2nd semester of this year.
Throughout the presentation, issues/concerns were raised and discussed thoroughly. It also includes doable action to address the issues/concerns and the needed support or resources. Recommendations were also provided to all concerned OUs.
Among the proposed recommendations are the following: good planning and budgeting of OUs; execute plans based on mapped schedules; provide technical leadership and guidance to the ASBs more particularly in agenda setting, policy research and complete staff work on policy recommendations prior to the conduct of meetings; monitoring of policy/resolutions recommendations; provide system of feed backing and communication; review costing and budget allocation and conduct of internal monthly performance review for monitoring of work and financial plan of each division.
Exec. Dir. Cayona requires each division to draw the plan of activities to be accomplished until December of this year in order to estimate the budget to be utilized. This is also to ensure that there is proper allocation of budget and it must be properly utilized. – JD