The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) is an attached agency of the Department of Agriculture (DA) which facilitates broad-based participatory processes in the agriculture and fisheries sector.
It provides quality services to a nationwide network of private sector-led consultative councils at the national, regional and local levels for the formulation of sound policies, plans and programs.
PCAF is the result of the consolidation of two agencies – the National Agricultural and Fishery Council (NAFC) and Livestock Development Council (LDC) as per EO 366, Series of 2004.
It is envisioned to be an effective and efficient catalyst of Public-Private Partnership in developing the agriculture and fisheries sectors towards a vibrant national economy that values people empowerment and good governance.
To achieve this vision, the agency shall ensure a participatory broad-based consultation through the provision of quality services to a nationwide network of private sector-led consultative councils towards the formulation of sound policy and programs for sustained development.
PCAF emulates two important words: “participatory” and “development“
“An approach to development that is designed to enhance sustainability and self reliance and to achieve social justice through the improvement s in the quality of people’s participation.”
1987 Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines:
Article II Section 23
“The state shall encourage non-governmental, community based sectoral organizations that promote the welfare of the nation.”
Article XIII Section 15
“The State shall respect the role of independent people’s organizations to enable people to pursue and protect, within the democratic framework, their legitimate and collective interests and aspirations through peaceful and lawful means.”
Article XIII Section 16
“The right of the people and their organization to effective and reasonable participation at all levels of social, political and economic decision making shall not be abridged. The state shall by law facilitate establishment of adequate consultation mechanism.”
1. Executive Order No. 116, series of 1987
a. Act as advisory body to the Department of Agriculture (DA) to ensure the success of its program and activities; and
b. To establish nationwide network of agricultural and fishery councils to serve as the forum for consultative and continuing discussions within agriculture and fisheries sectors.
2. DA Administrative Order No. 6, series of 1998
PCAF acts as Secretariat to the NAF Council which is mandated to:
a. Asisst the DA in the broad-based monitoring and coordination of the agriculture andfisheries modernization process; and
b. Serve as integrative and consultative structure for inter-agency and inter-sectoral collaboration in agriculture and fisheries modernization.
In partnership with the private sector, AFCs, National Sectoral Committees, Commodity Boards, Other NGAs, LGUs, CSOs and RBOs, SUCs, financial and donor institutions (advisory special bodies and other agriculture and fisheries stakeholders), we will zealously promote and strengthen capacities in participatory and collaborative governance.
Working together, we will uphold multi-stakeholder engagement, transparency and accountability in policy and program development processes for the agriculture and fisheries sector.
Together, we will work with others to create a better and brighter future for the agricultural and fishery communities.
An apex policy making body with strong, vibrant and visible private sector partners responsible for the attainment of a conducive policy environment towards a globally competitive and sustainable agriculture and fisheries sector.
1.Enhance responsiveness and relevance of priority policies and programs in the agri-fisheries sector through participatory mechanisms and processes.
2.Ensure that the advisory special bodies (ASBs) are actively engaged in shaping national and local agri and fishery development agenda.
3.Scale-up access and availability of knowledge products for key stakeholders in all levels.
4.Build client-focused, high performing working teams in PCAF.
5.Gain recognition as strategic advisor, technical leader and resource linker for agri-fishery concerns and issues.