Vincent A. Adorna
Region I- RAFC Chairperson

Unceasing service and an insightful leadership.

This is how Vincent Adorna spent his service in the AFC as a member for 15 years and as a Chairperson for a decade.

Vince’s leadership revolves in re-focusing the meaning of volunteerism in the “RAFC way” by institutionalizing the AFCs as a member of the Local Development Councils (LDCs).

He also lobbied the recognition and membership of MAFC Chairpersons to their respective LGUs. One of his significant contributions as a Chairperson of RAFC Region 1 was the recommendation of the conduct of investigation of oil spill along the coastal area of Pangasinan and La Union which have greatly affected the livelihood of the farmers and fisherfolk.

He ensured that RAFC meetings are regularly conducted and see to it that there were significant policy resolutions passed despite the limited fund support from the government.

Aside from these, Vince is also well recognized by other government agencies, non-government organizations and rural-based organizations as a hardworking representatives of the AFCs in the regions.

Up to know, he remains a member of the LDC, a leader of different local organizations, and most importantly, he maintained a good working relationship with the LGUs including lower house representatives, governors and mayors. ~


Milagros G. Dela Rosa
Region I- RAFC Coordinator

Commitment and efficiency. These are the outstanding traits that molded Milagros Dela Rosa as an effective RAFC Coordinator for twelve years.

As a wife and a mother, she is able to juggle her role as a coordinator, organizer, outreach worker, research assistant, development coordinator, integrator, networker, analyst, and trainer of the council. She ensures the conduct of regular RAFC meetings and maintains good partnership of RAFC with DA.

Mila also see to it that all activities of RAFC and the PAFCs were done as planned. Part of her tasks are to facilitate smooth conduct of RAFC/PAFC monitoring and evaluation activities and provide logistical support.

As a RAFC coordinator of Ilocos Region, Mila renders technical assistance in the formulation of resolutions, project proposals, and endorsement of letter of intent for numerous projects. She also facilitated the creation of provincial and regional monitoring team.

She ensures that there is a direct coordination with the LGUs regarding AFC activities down to the municipal level. Mila also acts as Regional LEAD and AKBAY Program Coordinator.~


Dante B. Tobias
Region II- PAFC Chairperson Quirino

For almost two decades of service in the AFC, Dante Tobias has established a reputation of a dependable leader and an inspiration to his fellow farmers.

His dedication resulted in the passing of a resolution prohibiting the indiscriminate use of Glyphosate in corn areas with 18 degrees slope and the implementation of Appropriate Soil Conservation Management for Sustainable Corn Production in Sloping Areas or SCoPSA. Glyphosate is one of the world’s most widely weed killers.

In his humble beginnings, he proved that he can be an effective tool in uplifting the condition of the farmers in Quirino. Dan is one of the people who motivated AFC members in the Barangay level to be active by creating a Barangay Mobile Meeting.

Under his leadership, BAFCs were organized and involved in different activities. From 30% participation rate when he first assume as PAFC Chairperson, it soared high to 100% member participation.

Alongside with these, Dan was awarded as the Best Farmer for the 3-month hands-on-training of ATI’s Adopt a Youth Program. PAFC Quirino was recently awarded as Gawad Saka 2015 Outstanding PAFC under his leadership. ~


Dominga A. Cabatu
Mt. Province- PAFC Coordinator

With her untiring commitment to the AFC, Dominga Cabatu realized that the two decades of service will never impede her passion to be an instrument in empowering the farmers’ cooperatives, associations and communities.

As the PAFC Coordinator of Mountain Province, Ming has been pro-active in promoting the Farmer Agri-Processing products through local, regional and national trade fairs.

She is also an advocate of organic farming where she conceptualized a brochure about vermicomposting. This brochure is now being reproduced and distributed to farmers as reference. To add a feather in her cap, Ming’s technical assistance as the Local Provincial AKBAY Coordinator was able to help almost 500 farm households.

Ming ensures that PAFC conduct meetings regularly, where after the meeting, she immediately prepares minutes of the meetings and resolutions.

Likewise, she also facilitated the incorporation of PAFC’s annual plan of actions and activities in the regional and provincial plans for budget allocations.

She also provides tracking of issues and raise or discuss concerns during PAFC meetings and ensures that these will be resolved.

Ming also facilitates PAFC mobile meetings which are well supported by the LGUs and DA and its other attached agencies.~


Carlito P. Aquino
Region V- MAFC Chairperson
Ocampo, Camarines Sur

Recognized as the farmer scientist by different government agencies, Carlito Aquino proved that farming is a noble profession.
After more than two decades serving the military, Lito went back to farming where he finds absolute fulfillment.

Although he only became the MAFC Chairperson of Ocampo, Camarines Sur last 2012, he was able to accomplish significant contributions for his town as a chairperson.

In his pursuit to improve the condition of his fellow farmers, Lito remains thirsty for practical solutions that resulted to his fascination with organic farming.

With this, he spearheaded the passing of Municipal Ordinances through MAFC resolutions namely the Development of Organic Sustainable Agriculture in Ocampo in Camarines Sur; Crafting of Municipal Agriculture and Fishery Development Plan, and notable project proposals.

He was able to conduct regular AFC meetings despite being among the non-targeted MAFC or those who received minimal fund support from the government. To do this, Lito carried out income-generating activities to support MAFC meetings and other activities.

Lito has a very good rapport with the LGU and is considered as a well-recognized partner by the DA and its other attached agencies.

Through his representations, BFAR gave the municipality 1 million worth of Tilapia fingerlings. 500,000 were dispensed to the farmers while the remaining 500,000 where allocated in the creeks and rivers.

Also under his leadership, he formulated other ordinances like institutions of Municipal Tourism, and Municipal
Agriculture and Fishery Development Plan.~


Lydia A. Monda
Region V- MAFC Coordinator
Pamplona, Camarines Sur

Lydia Atienza Monda dedicated 17 years of her life as a Municipal Coordinator of Pamplona, Camarines Sur.

With her commitment and efficiency, Lydia is truly commendable in coordinating with her counterparts and keeping all the meetings well documented.

Part of her tasks are to coordinate and facilitate MAFC’s plan and activities with the Planning Officer of the
Municipal Government for budget allocation, and to ensure compensation.

One of the highlights of her service is the facilitation of the request to have stem cuttings from Albay Experiment station for multiplication in Pamplona.

Lydia acknowledged the privilege of being part of meetings and seminars. This is why she makes sure that whatever knowledge she have acquired from those will be properly conveyed to other employees of the local government unit through facilitating trainings.~