To determine the overall performance of the agency and recommend courses of actions to improve the level of its efficiency, PCAF conducted the First Semester Performance Review and Planning Workshop on August 10 to 12, 2016 at the Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Hall.
The three-day workshop gathered more than 130 PCAF employees to generate a shared understanding and come up with a unified decision on how the agency operates as well as to develop the engagement of each employee.
“This undertaking is a new opportunity for us to review and improve the delivery of services to PCAF’s clientele and help realize a more responsive agriculture and fisheries sector,” said Exec. Dir. Ariel Cayanan in his message.
He also said that planning is the first and most important function of a management. He added that it should be followed to achieve systematic and strategic agency goals.
Meanwhile, PCAF Officer-in-Charge (OIC) Deputy Executive Director Alexander Daroya presented the updates on the Guidelines for the Grant of FY 2015 Performance-Based Bonus (PBB).
Also, it was reported that this year’s PCAF Department of Budget and Management allotment is Php181M. The agency has already obligated Php82M from January to June which is 81% while Php75M or 46% have been disbursed with total utilization rate of 91%.
As part of the workshop, each PCAF’s Operating Units highlighted their proudest accomplishment for the first semester.
Among the major accomplishment was the Agriculture and Fishery Councils (AFC) Manual of Operations which was signed by former Department of Agriculture (DA) Secretary Proceso Alcala on May 16, 2016.
It was also presented in the workshop the updated guidelines of the search for outstanding AFC and Coordinators was approved on June 30, 2016. Also, approximately Php495,000 continuing funds was given to one of the divisions which will be used for the certificate for the Municipal AFC (MAFC) Chairpersons and Coordinators.
The facilitation skills and social mobilization trainings were conducted for AFCs and coordinators. Preparatory activities for customized capacity building program for agency’s consultative bodies were also undertaken by the PDD.
Out of 35 targets for policy recommendations/resolutions, the agency already completed 53 with a total of 154%.
Aside from the accomplishments, observations and recommendations were also raised. Among the recommendations given was keeping monthly performance review among divisions to monitor and track the activities as scheduled in the work and financial plan and submit accomplishment reports on time.