(Left) Coffee Sub-Committee Chairperson Josephine Ramos talks to the members of PCAF SC and PWD about the varieties of cacao seeds. (Right) Meanwhile, ComCrops Chairperson David Santos explains the cacao good agricultural practice objectives.

In a bid to facilitate alternative livelihood opportunities to the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries’ Senior Citizen and Person with Disability (PCAF SC and PWD) employees, its SCs and PWDs Committee conducted a livelihood training on cacao seedling identification and propagation on April 12, 2019 in Sto. Tomas, Batangas.

Attended by 19 SC and PWD members, the training at Jo’s Farm and Chocolate Making and Molding was part of the Capability Enhancement Training initiated by PCAF SCs and PWDs Committee.

With these kind of trainings, the committee envisions to elevate their member’s role from beneficiaries to self-reliant, highly motivated, and participating citizens.

The one-day training was facilitated by PCAF National Sectoral and Strategic Concerns Committee-Committee on Commercial Crops (NSSCCs-ComCrops) Chairperson David Santos and ComCrops-Cacao Industry Development Sub-Committee Chairperson Josephine Ramos.

Aside from the basic knowledge about cacao, the training also provided learnings on the proper cultivation, rehabilitation, and pruning of cacao trees. Chairperson Ramos also let the members explored postharvest facilities and equipment in the farm, and chocolate making and molding. | JC  (Photo courtesy of Cristopher Dela Rosa of PDD)