The Constructors Performance Evaluation System (CPES) evaluation team, headed by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) and composed of the Department of Trade and Industry-accredited Constructor’s Performance Evaluators from Department of Agriculture (DA) Regional Field Office (RFO) II, III, and Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering, commenced the first evaluation for 2022 of ongoing and newly completed DA infrastructure projects in the Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR) on February 28 to March 4, 2022.
With the assistance of technical staff from DA RFO–CAR, PCAF, as the the implementing unit of CPES in DA, and the CPES the evaluation team conducted a holistic appraisal of the construction of three DA-RFO CAR infrastructure projects.
The projects include seed storage warehouse and multi-purpose building in DA RFO CAR in Baguio City; packing house and monolithic dome in Mankayan Benguet; and a coffee processing facility in Besao. Mountain Province. The performances of the contractors of the three infrastructure projects were evaluated using the National Economic and Development Authority-approved CPES guidelines which provides a set of evaluation parameters such as: workmanship, materials, time, facilities, and resource deployment.
The week-long evaluation process started with an entry conference where CPES evaluation team, constructor representatives and resource persons from DA-RFO CAR and Regional Agricultural and Fishery Council in CAR identified and discussed representative spots to be evaluated in the project during the site visit.
For the succeeding days, CPES evaluation team conducted the evaluation proper of the pre-identified spots and noted down the observations and recommendations to be raised to the constructor and the procuring entity for further improvement of the infrastructure projects. They also interviewed some of the end-users or target beneficiaries to have a better grasp of their expectations and satisfaction level of the DA infrastructure projects. This however will not affect the final CPES ratings of the constructors,
An exit conference ensued with the same entry conference participants where the findings and final CPES rating were presented. Two out of three projects passed in the evaluation and the passing rate is 82%, which corresponds to a satisfactory rating.
The implementation of CPES in DA is undertaken to ensure the completion of infrastructures on time and in accordance with desired quality and specified requirements of the procuring entity. Furthermore, pursuant to Section 34.b.ii of the implementing rules and regulations of R.A. No. 9184, CPES rating shall be used in the review of technical capabilities of a constructor-bidder, and may also be used by government procuring entities as additional reference to ensure appropriate awarding of contracts. | JC (Report and photos from Hezron Casasola of PDCD)