Representatives from the Agricultural and Fishery Council (AFC), both  national and regional levels, joined the launching of the National Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization and Industrialization Plan (NAFMIP) 2021-2030 on May 16, 2022 in Quezon City as part of this year’s National Farmers’ and Fisherfolk’s Month celebration.

With a vision of “a food secure and resilient Philippines with empowered and prosperous farmers and fisherfolk”, NAFMIP serves as the sector-wide directional plan for the sector’s growth containing short, medium, and long-term programs in the coming years. 

These include the Province-led Agriculture and Fisheries Extension Systems, the Provincial Commodity Investment Plans, and the Commodity Industry Roadmaps, among others. 

Agriculture Secretary William Dar commended all who have been part of the formulation of NAFMIP. The plan was collaboratively developed by various stakeholders, key industry players, and the Department of Agriculture (DA), along with its bureaus, attached agencies, and Regional Field Offices (RFOs), through a series of consultations and workshops that were organized from January to March 2022.

Along with the OneDA family, PCAF also participated in the series of orientations and training in preparation for the regional and national stakeholders planning consultations and workshops. With PCAF’s wide network of private sector-partners, DA relies on the agency’s capability to engage relevant stakeholders as well as lead the facilitation and documentation of the activities. 

Present in the launch were Cagayan Valley Regional AFC (RAFC) Chairperson Dante Tobias, CALABARZON RAFC Chairperson Pedrito Kalaw, who serves as the Farmer-Director of their respective regions, National Banner Program Committee (NBPC) on Fisheries and Aquaculture Chairperson Dinna Umengan, Other Priority Program Committee on Climate Change, Environment, and Natural Resource Chairperson Marita Rodriguez, NBPC on High Value Crops- Coffee representative Ruth Novales, and NBPC on Fisheries and Aquaculture member, also representing National Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Management Council, Norberto Chingcuanco. 

The AFCs also signed a pledge of commitment to support the NAFMIP 2021-2030 and remain as allies of DA and the OneDA family to ensure that NAFMIP strategies, programs, and targets are well-designed, implemented, well-executed, and achieved. | JC