The Committee discusses details on the harmonization of the Management Information Systems through a blended meeting in one of the conference rooms of PCAF in Quezon City.

The Committee on Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization (CAFMech) Task Force on the Registration of Ownership of Agri-Fisheries (A&F) Machinery and Equipment discussed developments on the harmonization of the Management Information Systems (MIS) used for A&F Machinery and Equipment registration in a blended meeting on May 31, 2022.

The MIS harmonization was proposed by the Committee during their meeting on February 23, 2022, which would consolidate the Registration of A&F Machineries and Equipment System (RAFMES) used by the Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) and the Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Management Information System (ABEMIS) used by the Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering (BAFE).

A Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) between PhilMech and BAFE is set to be signed on June 8, 2022, to delineate their functions and responsibilities in the management of the RAFMES. The agreement will also determine the roles and extent of involvement of Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Offices and local government units in the registration of ownership of A&F machinery and equipment. The two agencies will undergo a writeshop to finalize the annexes of the MOA. Once finalized, changes on the RAFMES rollout and other pertinent details of the MOA will be cascaded across all regions through a series of orientation-briefings. 

According to a recent report by the Philippine Council on Agriculture and Fisheries, 65% of the total cities and municipalities nationwide are yet to create the position of Agriculture and Biosystems Engineers. With this, the current efforts of the Department of the Interior and Local Government-Bureau of Local Government Supervision on the establishment of more Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering (ABE) units in local government units were also discussed.  

Engr Louie Baltazar of DA RFO V emphasized the need to establish the necessary offices at the LGU level which will provide the necessary support for the strengthening of the A&F sector’s food systems. The Committee then brought forward recommendations to increase the budget allocation for ABE units and to include ABE units as a criterion for the Seal of Good Local Governance.  

The Committee also recommended the conduct of a massive Information, Education, and Communication Campaign to the Philippine Crop Insurance Corporation (PCIC) for its offered government insurance programs, particularly on the insurable A&F machinery and equipment under their Non-Crop Agricultural Asset Insurance Program.

The PCIC provides insurance protection to the country’s agricultural producers, particularly the subsistence farmers, against loss of their crops and non-crop agricultural assets on account of natural calamities or other perils. PCIC also offers and provides insurance coverage of accidents and an Agricultural Protection Plan for farmers and fisherfolk dying from natural causes. | SMA