The National Agriculture and Fisheries Council (NAF Council) endorsed the proposed PhP513.8 billion budget for fiscal year (FY) 2025 of the Department of Agriculture (DA) on April 17, 2024, in Quezon City.
The 2025 Plan and Budget Proposal (PBP) is higher by 146.34% than the FY 2024 General Appropriation Act (GAA). The total PBP consists of personal services at 1.48%, capital outlay at 20.59%, and maintenance and other expenses at 77.93%.
Of the total budget proposal, 57.26% or PhP294.21 billion is intended for programs, activities and projects under the rice sub-sector.
As a result of the discussion, the members of the NAF Council approved the resolution endorsing the DA FY 2025 PBP to the Department of Budget and Management, as recommended by the Civil Society Organizations and private sector members of the NAF Council.
The recommendation aims to ensure the involvement of the private sector in the planning and monitoring of plan and budget execution.
PCAF, as the participatory arm of DA, provides a forum for multi-stakeholder participation in the agricultural and fisheries development processes which include participatory monitoring and tracking (PMT).
As anchored on the NAF Council mandates and functions, PCAF, through its PMT, has been tracking the implementation of DA’s programs and projects and substantiates and gives credence to the Department’s accomplishment report.
The resolution is in line with the current administration’s commitment, through the “Para sa Masaganang Bagong Pilipinas” program, to foster private sector participation and involvement in all aspects of DA’s planning, implementation, and monitoring processes.
As the Chairperson-Coordinator of the NAF Council, DA Secretary Francisco Tiu Laurel, Jr. addressed the members of the Council and appreciated everyone’s commitment to achieving food security for the Filipino people through fostering strong partnerships with the farmers, fisherfolk, private sector, and other stakeholders
The Secretary has been tapping the support of the private sector to assist the Department in formulating sound policy recommendations to promote people’s participation and maintain a functional and holistic approach to dealing with the sector’s challenges.
On the other hand, DA Undersecretary for Policy, Planning, and Regulations, Atty. Asis Perez, emphasized the importance of impact-based monitoring mechanisms and how policy resolutions submitted by PCAF’s consultative bodies were used as one of the criteria of prioritization in coming up with the Department’s plan and budget proposal.
“Knowing that DA considers the proper balance between developmental and regulatory functions of the Department, I would like to request the DA to continue having consultations and dialogues with the private sector before any policies are finalized to hear the perspective of the stakeholders,” said Dr. Mary Ann Sayoc, National Sectoral Committee on Fruits and Vegetables.
The NAF Council serves as the highest mechanism for agriculture and fisheries consultation and dialogue between and among government agencies, local government units, and private entities, including non-government organizations and people’s organizations.| Text and photos by Jezebel Campaniel