The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) highlighted its programs and projects, accomplishments, and knowledge products related to the livestock industry during the 2024 Livestock and Aquaculture Philippines Expo in Pasay City on May 22 to 24, 2024.
With the theme “Harnessing Innovation and Technology for Sustainable Farm Development”, the three-day event showcased more than 250 exhibitors, including the Department of Agriculture (DA) and nine of its bureaus and attached agencies dedicated to advancing the sector, including PCAF.
The activity highlights innovation and technology crucial in assisting local farmers and fisherfolk in enhancing agricultural production cost-effectively, boosting profitability, and securing food sustainability.
Aside from PCAF, the exhibitors from the DA family also include the National Livestock Program, Agricultural Training Institute (ATI), ATI- International Training Center on Pig Husbandry, Bureau of Animal Industry, Bureau of Agriculture and Fisheries Standards, National Meat Inspection Service, National Dairy Institute, and Philippine Carabao Center.
PCAF, through the Knowledge Management Section (KMS), shared the agency’s activities, the contributions of its Consultative Bodies, and provided answers to the participants’ inquiries. Aside from the KMS, some of the Project Development Section staff also attended the Livestock Forum that included aquaculture, biosecurity, and sustainability-centered topics.
PCAF welcomed more than 200 visitors during the entire activity and handed out more than 300 knowledge products. | Jezebel Campaniel