The network of consultative and advisory bodies called the Agricultural and Fishery Councils (AFCs) at the national, regional and local levels provide the platform for participation in development processes. These are:
NAF Council:
The NAF Council serves as the highest mechanism for agriculture and fisheries consultation and dialogue between and among government agencies, local government units, and private entities, including non-government organizations and people’s organizations.
It sets the goals and defines the scope of the country’s agriculture and fisheries policies, plans and programs and serves as the integrative, consultative and monitoring structure for inter-agency and inter-sectoral collaboration in the activities arising from Republic Act 8435.
NAF Council Special Budget Committee
Under the NAF Council is a special Budget Committee that was organized to facilitate better resource allocation based on the needs of the agriculture sector as well as promote greater transparency and accountability.
NAF Council Structure
NAF Council Members
National Sectoral Committees (NSCs)
These are consultative mechanisms established to mainstream private sector participation and involvement in the priority thrusts and directions of the DA and ensure multi-stakeholder consultations and dialogues, participatory monitoring, and feedback in the implementation of DA banner and other priority programs.
The NSCs are as follows:
- NSC on Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization
- NSC on Climate Change, Environment, and Natural Resources
- NSC on Coconut
- NSC on Coffee and Cacao
- NSC on Corn and Feed Crops
- NSC on Fiber Crops
- NSC on Fisheries and Aquaculture
- NSC on Fruits and Vegetables
- NSC on Gender Equality and Social Inclusivity
- NSC on International Trade
- NSC on Poultry and Livestock
- NSC on Rice and Other Food Staples
- NSC on Rubber
Regional/Provincial and Municipal Agricultural and Fishery Councils
These are consultative, integrative, coordinative and monitoring bodies for regional and local agriculture and fishery commodity value chain initiatives. They act as advisory bodies of the DA Regional Field Offices and local government units to ensure the success of agriculture and fishery programs, especially enterprise development initiatives towards higher productivity and increased income.
Agricultural and Fishery Youthpreneur Council
It is a platform for the full engagement of youth in agriculture and fisheries development through encouraging them to actively participate in A/F enterprises.