PCAF accredits 39 new constructors’ performance evaluators

  The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) has added to its roster of much needed manpower for Constructors’ Performance Evaluation System (CPES) implementation with the oath taking of 39 constructors’ performance evaluators (CPEs). The ceremony was held in PCAF’s Apacible Conference Room A, with four of the newly-accredited evaluators attending online via Zoom. continue reading…

PCAF conducts onboarding to new employees

The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) conducted an onboarding activity for the newly hired employees on August 3, 2023 to inform them about the agency, general policies, and compensation, welfare and benefits. Led by the Administrative, Financial and Management Division-Human Resource Development Section (AFMD-HRDS) Section Chief Braulio Castro, Jr. the activity explained to continue reading…

NSC on AFMech discusses farm clustering programs to maximize A&F mechanization benefits

The National Sectoral Committee on Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization (NSC on AFMech) convened on July 28, 2023 to gather best practices and lessons learned from farm clustering programs that could address the key concerns in the agricultural and fishery mechanization. The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF), in collaboration with the Bureau of Agricultural continue reading…

NSC on GESI provides input on Inter-Agency on Rural Women, reviews institutionalization of DA-GAD office

To strengthen the integration of gender perspective across the national government, particularly within the Department of Agriculture (DA), the National Sectoral Committee on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (NSC on GESI) convened on July 21, 2023 to discuss the policy study to institutionalize DA-GESI and the draft Executive Order in creating an Inter-Agency Council for continue reading…

PCAF bids farewell to ED Domenden, welcomes new OIC ED

The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) employees formally bid farewell to Executive Director Nestor Domenden in a simple retirement celebration on July 25, 2023 in Quezon City. For 42 years, Dir. Domenden served the government, particularly at the regional and national office of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR) and the continue reading…

PCAF leads review, upgrading of mechanisms to eliminate ‘fly-by-night suppliers’, noncompliant constructors

The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) led a back-to-back Fiscal Year 2023 National Agricultural and Fisheries Machinery Assemblers, Manufacturers, Importers, Distributors and Dealers Accreditation and Classification (NAMDAC) and Constructors’ Performance Evaluation System (CPES) Midyear Performance Review on July 18 and 20, 2023 in Palawan. PCAF Executive Director Nestor Domenden opened the programs by continue reading…