DA, academe, private sector join forces to update National Agricultural and Fishery Mechanization Program

In collaboration with the Bureau of Agricultural and Fisheries Engineering (BAFE), the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) hosted the blended public consultation for the updating of the National Agricultural and Fishery Mechanization Program (NAFMP) on September 6, 2022 in Quezon City. The activity aimed to generate awareness of NAFMP among its public and continue reading…

PCAF holds Luzon-wide agri-fishery congress

More than 150 delegates joined the Luzon-wide Agricultural and Fishery Council (AFC) Congress held in General Trias, Cavite, on September 5 to 7, 2022. The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF), in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office CALABARZON, gathered the regional and provincial AFC Chairpersons, RAFC Executive Officers, Coordinators, and continue reading…

NBPC on HVC discusses performance of DA HVC offices

The National Banner Program Committee on High Value Crops (NBPC on HVC) discussed the first semester’s physical accomplishments and financial performance of DA HVC offices in their special meeting on August 10, 2022.  Among the DA offices which presented their accomplishments are the DA-High Value Crops Development Program (DA-HVCDP), the Philippine Rubber Research Institute (PRRI), continue reading…

OPPC on CCENR tackles A&F technological innovations for climate change mitigation

The Other Priority Program Committee on Climate Change, Environment and Natural Resources (OPPC on CCENR) discussed Agriculture and Fisheries (A&F) technological innovations which could mitigate climate change in their third quarter meeting on August 12, 2022.  The Department of Agriculture-Cagayan Valley Research Center presented a report on their solar-powered irrigation system and seed cold storage, continue reading…