Rice-related gov’t agencies present 1st sem FY 2022 Physical Accomplishments and Financial Performances

Rice-related government agencies presented their first semester Fiscal Year 2022 Physical Accomplishments and Financial Performances to the National Banner Program Committee (NBPC) on Rice on August 16, 2022. This initiative is in line with promoting inclusiveness and transparency in the budgeting and program implementation processes of the Department of Agriculture and its attached agencies, bureaus, continue reading…

ICBDED beneficiaries establish sustainable dairy goat enterprises in Central Luzon

Two project beneficiaries of the Intensified Community-Based Dairy Enterprise Development (ICBDED) Project are successfully and sustainably managing their dairy goat operations in Central Luzon. The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) visited on June 14 to 17, 2022 the Sawat Overseas Workers and Family Association (SOWFA) in Tarlac and the Triple Three Jeremiah Association continue reading…

PCAF conducts onsite monitoring of dairy enterprise development in Isabela

In line with the implementation of the Intensified Community-Based Dairy Enterprise Development (ICBDED) Project, the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) conducted an onsite monitoring on the status of dairy goats distributed to recipient-organizations in the Province of Isabela on June 27 to July 1, 2022. Together with the technical staff from the National continue reading…

NBPC on PLC tackles supply outlook for major commodities; recommends measures to address domestic demand

The National Banner Program Committee on Poultry, Livestock, and Corn (NBPC on PLC) discussed the updates on the supply outlook, prices, and importation volume of major poultry and livestock commodities, feeds, and animal feed ingredients in their special meeting on July 29, 2022.  The National Livestock Program (NLP) presented the food supply outlook  (local production continue reading…

OPPC on GESI promotes increase of women and minority group inclusion in RSBSA and other DA interventions

The Committee on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), in its second regular meeting on July 22, 2022, passed a policy resolution recommending to the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture-National Program Management Office (RSBSA-NPMO) the conduct of a massive information, education and communication campaign on the importance of RSBSA. It aims to create continue reading…

Committee on Int’l Trade discusses MC12 outcomes, updates on Ph fisheries import and export

In its third quarter meeting on July 12, 2022, the Committee on International Trade discussed the outcomes of the World Trade Organization’s (WTO) 12th Ministerial Conference (MC12) in Geneva on June 12-17, 2022. Ministers, representing WTO’s 164 members, reviewed the multilateral trading system and made statements for taking action on the future efforts of WTO. continue reading…