PCAF initiates discussion on the results of the Full-Blown Impact Assessment on AFMA

In celebration of the nine wonderful years of transforming Philippine Agriculture through broad-based participatory governance, the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries hosted an online Knowledge Unloading Day (KUD) on the Full-Blown Impact Assessment on the Agriculture and Fisheries Modernization Act (FBIA on AFMA) on June 29, 2022. The KUD aims to disseminate the results continue reading…

NBPC on PLC recommends National Biosecurity Protocol; calls for stronger protection against transboundary animal diseases

The National Banner Program Committee on Poultry, Livestock, and Corn (NBPC on PLC) recommended the crafting of a National Biosecurity Protocol and the establishment of DA quarantine facilities for imported animals to strengthen the country’s protection against transboundary animal diseases in their meeting on June 30, 2022.  The National Biosecurity Protocol would aid in addressing continue reading…

PCAF conducts virtual KUD on Gender Analysis of Rice Supply Chain and Advocacies study

In line with the mainstreaming of Gender and Development (GAD) in the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries’ (PCAF) programs, activities and projects, the agency conducted a virtual Knowledge Unloading Day (KUD) on the study “Enhancing Gender Outcomes of Different Rice Related Agencies through Gender Analysis of Rice Supply Chain and Advocacies” on June 30, continue reading…

PCAF reviews 1st sem physical and financial accomplishments, identifies issues and constraints

“Focus is the key”. This is what Planning, Monitoring and Knowledge Management Division (PMKMD) Chief Estrella Tulay emphasized during the three-day blended workshop of the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) on June 22 to 24, 2022 in Tanza, Cavite.  PMKMD Chief Tulay presented PCAF’s 2022 first semester performance highlights emphasizing the valuable accomplishments continue reading…

NBPC on Rice recommends harmonizing rice classification system of gov’t agencies

With its mandate of developing and prescribing uniform standards and classification in generating official statistics, the Philippine Statistics Authority (PSA) recommended the Department of Agriculture (DA) to conduct a study on rice classification in relation to the implementation of Republic Act No. 11203 or the Rice Tariffication Law (RTL). This aims to better capture and continue reading…

CAFMech Task Force on Registration discusses updates on PhilMech and BAFE’s Management Information Systems harmonization

The Committee on Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization (CAFMech) Task Force on the Registration of Ownership of Agri-Fisheries (A&F) Machinery and Equipment discussed developments on the harmonization of the Management Information Systems (MIS) used for A&F Machinery and Equipment registration in a blended meeting on May 31, 2022. The MIS harmonization was proposed by the Committee during continue reading…

NBPC on HVC-Fiber Crops discusses urgent industry issues; recommends Task Force to monitor abaca-related malpractices

In its second quarter meeting on May 25, 2022, the National Banner Program Committee on High-Value Crops – Fiber Crops (NBPC on HVC-Fiber Crops), discussed updates on industry issues like the supplemental budget proposal for the local government units to support local fiber production, the institutionalization of an abaca model farm, and improving the production continue reading…