PCAF, Mindanao AFCs pursue sustainable, progressive, resilient A&F dev’t

With the theme “Strengthened Agricultural and Fishery Council (AFC) Partnerships: A Pathway in Pursuing Sustainable, Progressive and Resilient Mindanao A&F Development”, the 16th Mindanao AFC Congress was held on November 10, 2021 to provide a venue for AFCs in the six regions of the island to collaborate and discuss relevant concerns and recommendations. The Philippine continue reading…

Increased involvement of women in agriculture sought by High-Value Crops on Fruits and Vegetables stakeholders

The National Banner Program Committee on High-Value Crops- Fruits and Vegetables (NBPC on HVC-FV) adopted a policy resolution recommending the inclusion of the Department of Agriculture-Gender and Development (DA-GAD) focal persons in the Regional Agriculture and Fishery Council meetings particularly in their Women/GAD Committees during their 4th quarter meeting on November 5, 2021. Philippine Fiber continue reading…

Central Luzon PMT report reveals temporary stoppage of operations of Fermentation Facility for Cacao and Greenhouse due to pandemic

Department of Agriculture (DA)-funded projects in Aurora Province were either temporarily interrupted or put into halt due to strict community quarantines and economic shifts during the start of the pandemic. This was revealed in the Participatory Monitoring and Tracking (PMT) activity of the Aurora Provincial Agricultural and Fishery Council (PAFC) together with the Philippine Council continue reading…