PCAF monitors PL 480-funded Dairy Project

As part of the oversight functions of the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) on the PL 480-funded projects, the Planning, Monitoring and Knowledge Management Division-Project Development Section (PMKMD-PDS) conducted a monitoring activity on National Dairy Authority’s (NDA) “Intensified Community-Based Dairy Enterprise Development” project on July 1, 2021 in Camiling, Tarlac. 104 imported dairy continue reading…

NBPC-PLC recommends safeguard measures in CIR, discusses updates on ASF and other pressing industry matters

The National Banner Program Committee on Poultry, Livestock, and Corn (NBPC- PLC) crafted a policy recommending to the Department of Agriculture (DA) to ensure the active and direct involvement of the private sector in the development of commodity industry roadmap (CIR) on June 29, 2021. Members of the NBPC-PLC also included in the recommendation the continue reading…

PCAF employees go “Sol Searching”

As part of the Gender and Development-Focal Point System’s (GAD-FPS) continued promotion on the relevance of women on empowerment, gender equality, and issues confronting women in the agri-fishery sector, employees from the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) conducted a virtual screening and discussion on the film titled “Sol Searching” on July 2, 2021. continue reading…

PCAF: Elevating agri-fishery sector to 8finity and beyond

“This is our first infinity year. We look forward to the double infinity.” Acting Executive Director Liza Battad expressed her optimism on the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries’ (PCAF) viability to uplift the agri-fishery sector towards and beyond its double infinity year or 8th anniversary in her welcoming message on the agency’s exhibit opening continue reading…

Expanding rubber farmers’ opportunities thru adoption of modern techs, new initiatives

“Is rubber farming sending our smallholders to poverty?” This was the resonating question of Alfonso Jack Sandique, Chairperson of the National Banner Program Committee on High Value Crops-Rubber (NBPC on HVC-Rubber), during their second quarter meeting on June 30, 2021. Traditional rubber programs of the government were deemed inefficient in terms of generating higher and continue reading…

PCAF shares result on review of policies on crop biotechnology study to legislatives, stakeholders

The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) conducted a virtual knowledge-sharing activity on June 24, 2021 to understand the prevailing and emerging crop biotechnology policy environment in the Philippines and draw insight into its implications on the food industry and agriculture development in the climate change era. The study was conducted by the Philippine continue reading…

NBPC on HVC-FV deliberates on Panama Disease management

With the United States imposing import ban on some banana plant parts coming from the Philippines, the National Banner Program Committee (NBPC) on High Value Crops-Fruits and Vegetables (HVC-FV) deliberated on Panama Disease control and prevention on June 24, 2021. The Panama Disease, also known as Fusarium wilt, is caused by a fungus that lives continue reading…

Sec. Dar, other govt officials celebrate PCAF’s continuous collaboration with agri-fishery sector stakeholders

Agriculture Secretary William Dar commended the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) for its continued relevance in engaging stakeholders in the development of an enabling policy environment during the agency’s exhibit opening for its eighth anniversary celebration on June 21, 2021. He said that these dialogues, facilitated by PCAF, greatly contributed to the realization continue reading…