PCAF Collaborates with DA, DILG to Finalize Joint Circular Supporting Agri-Fishery Councils

  In a significant step towards strengthening local development policies and programs for agriculture and fishery sectors, the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) has partnered with the Department of Agriculture (DA)-Legal Service and the Department of the Interior and Local Government (DILG) to conduct a write shop on June 14, 2023, at the continue reading…

PCAF Committee on CCENR recommends strengthening AWS, capacitating farmers and fishers to use agromet instruments

The Committee on Climate Change, Environment, and Natural Resources recommended the strengthening of Automated Weather Stations (AWS) in all provinces and municipalities to help farmers determine the most suitable time for planting, and for fisherfolk to avoid extreme weather conditions in the sea. This recommendation was made during the Committee’s first quarter meeting on February continue reading…