1. Plan, direct, supervise and coordinate the administrative and technical activities of the agency including its resource generation functions;

2. Oversee the formulation and implementation of agency policies, plans and programs;

3. Submit periodic reports on the activities of the agency and the Council to the Secretary of Agriculture; and

4. Perform other duties as may be assigned by the Secretary of Agriculture.



1. Provide quality administrative, finance and management support services towards effective and efficient agency operations and optimum resource utilization;

2. Provide advisory services on administrative, finance and management related matters; and

3. Ensure the enforcement of the bidding and regulatory guidelines for the procurement and disposal of goods and services based on the existing laws and regulations.


A. Accounting Section

1. Execute general accounting principles, rules and regulations;

2. Provide technical advice on accounting, reporting, internal controls and other financial related matters;

3. Prepare timely accounting and management reports as well as periodic financial statements in conformance with existing government accounting and auditing rules and regulations;

4. Develop, maintain and periodically update accounting related aspects of the Finance, Administrative and Management Information System (FAMIS) database;

5. Serve as focal point for BIR and other related regulatory agencies; and

6. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


B. Budget Section

1. Execute mandated budgeting systems and procedures, policies and principles on budget and fiscal management;

2. Provide technical advice on budgeting and other financial related matters;

3. Develop, maintain and periodically update the budget related aspects of the Finance, Administrative and Management Information System (FAMIS) database;

4. Coordinate and maintain liaison with the Department of Agriculture, Department of Budget and Management, Congress and other national government agencies on budget related matters; and

5. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


C. Cash and Disbursement Section

1. Execute mandated disbursement systems and procedures and other policies and principles on cash management;

2. Provide technical advice on cashiering and other financial related matters;

3. Develop, maintain and periodically update disbursement related aspects of the Finance, Administrative and Management Information System (FAMIS) database;

4. Serve as focal point for PCAF depository banks and other related agencies; and

5. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


D. Human Resource Development Section

1. Execute policies, rules, regulations and programs in all areas of human resource development;

2. Spearhead the assessment of strategic human manpower and requirements in relation to organizational goals, plans and programs;

3. Collaborate in the development of innovative and responsive human resource programs in the following areas: Recruitment/Selection, Orientation and Induction, Career Development, Promotion and Transfers, Capacity Development and Training, Wage, Salaries and Compensation, Performance Management and Retirement;

4. Maintain and periodically update the Human Resource Management Information System (HRMIS);

5. Advise management on human resource development issues and other related relevant matters;

6. Act as secretariat/representative of the Personnel Selection Board (PSB), Personnel Development Committee (PDC), Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence (PRAISE), Grievance Committee, and other human resource related committees; and

7. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


E. General Services Section

1. Execute policies, rules, regulations and programs in all areas of records management in accordance with the National Archives Law, Rules and Regulations and other existing government orders/issuances; and in all areas of property and supply management in accordance with the existing auditing and accounting procedures and procurement laws;

2. Develop, maintain and periodically update the records, property and supply management aspects of the Finance, Administrative and Management Information System (FAMIS) database;

3. Ensure effective and consistent implementation of policies and principles relative to records management and physical safety/security;

4. Advise management on strategic and/or sensitive records management issues and other related relevant matters;

5. Undertake programs to ensure management of all physical facilities, equipment, furniture, fixtures and vehicles; and

6. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


F. Management Section

1. Develop plan and program objectives relative to management improvement;

2. Examine the administrative organization of the Agency and make recommendations for improvement;

3. Maintain and update the Agency’s organization and other manuals;

4. Undertake regular management surveys of organization structure, manpower and operations; study special problems as assigned; review existing methods, procedures and system; and make recommendations for improvement;

5. Develop staffing standards and manpower requirements for the Agency;

6. Develop new and improved management systems; exercise staff supervision over the implementation of such improvements; and provide training in the use of the systems;

7. Review internal control system for safeguarding money and property as ascertain weaknesses and deficiencies requiring corrections; and

8. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.



1. Spearhead the formulation and periodic updating of medium-term/strategic plans, consolidation of annual agency plans and program development investment/resource programming and analyze and evaluate these relative to the agency’s mandate and the Medium Term Agricultural and Fishery Development Plan;

2. Undertake timely analysis and assessment of strategic directives and policies relevant to the   agri-fisheries sector, in order to ensure development of effective response to current key challenges, future scenarios and emerging issues in the sector;

3. Provide technical leadership and strategic advice to the technical departments as well as the AFCs/NSCs in planning, monitoring and knowledge management in all levels;

4. Develop and implement appropriate and robust M and E system to track and assess all components of the agriculture and fisheries modernization process as well as all PCAF programs, projects and other collaborative initiatives;

5. Support the development of knowledge-based institutional capacities and competencies within PCAF and its related structures and knowledge-based collaboration between and among PCAF, its partners and other stakeholders;

6. Promote knowledge-based collaboration and program/project development between and among PCAF, its partners and other stakeholders;

7. Identify and prioritize appropriate programs and projects to be undertaken in line with the agency’s mandate, objectives and thrusts;

8. Formulate the work and financial plans, policies and strategies for the development and effective and efficient implementation of the agency’s programs and projects; and

9. Coordinate with donor governments and other relevant entities – local, national and international, on the approval of project proposals endorsed for funding and other possible institutional arrangements;


A. Planning and Programming Section

1. Spearhead the formulation of agency thrusts, medium-term/strategic and public investment programs;

2. Formulate annual programs, plans, projects and targets, as well as conduct analysis of level and configuration of organizational, financial, physical and other resources required for implementation, and the results-based framework/measures by which the agency’s performance may be evaluated;

3. Analyze and evaluate agency plans, programs and budgets in relation to the agency’s mandate and the Philippine Agricultural Development Plan;

4. Ensure efficient and effective allocation and programming of the agency’s resources including but not limited to the Official Development Assistance (ODA) funds;

5. Undertake research and development activities to support planning for all current and planned programs, projects and activities of the agency;

6. Coordinate and maintain liaison with the Department of Agriculture, Department of Budget and Management, Senate, Congress and other national government agencies;

7. Ensure tracking and assessment of the agency’s effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, responsiveness and sustainability;

8. Undertake research and development activities to support policy development for all current and planned programs, projects and activities of the agency; and

9. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


B. Project Development Section

1. Formulate and implement guidelines for the use and availment of funds managed by the agency;

2. Evaluate project proposals submitted by DA and its attached agencies and other government and non-government entities for possible funding;

3. Package/Assist in project proposals to conform to the form and substance as set in the guidelines;

4. Prepare/review annual work and financial plans of approved projects;

5. Develop and implement an evaluation system for project proposals submitted for funding;

6. Develop project proposals in support to agency’s mandates;

7. Coordinate and mobilize resources to fund and support operations as well as priority development programs, projects and activities endorsed and/or implemented by the various groups of private-sector led organizations and relevant entities; and

8. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


C. Monitoring and Evaluation Section

1. Monitor and evaluate processes, results, impact and reach of targeted A/F related policies, programs, projects and initiatives under AFMA, as well as those implemented by PCAF in collaboration with other agencies;

2. Monitor and evaluate agency performance as well as the implementation of programs and projects of the agency and its consultative bodies;

3. Establish mechanisms and measures to promote accountability for use of resources allocated to targeted A/F modernization related programs, projects, initiatives;

4. Undertake appropriate strategies/courses of action to address key findings from M&E activities; and

5. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


D. Knowledge Management Section

1. Develop, implement and maintain agency information management system data/knowledge base;

2. Formulate policies, standard operating procedures and standards for the effective installation and maintenance of ICT related security measures and mechanisms;

3. Provide PCAF-related data and information that will meet required informational requirements of stakeholders, oversight agencies and the National Information Network;

4. Develop knowledge management and knowledge sharing technology support instruments, tools and templates for identifying, capturing, sharing, creating and generating new knowledge, and diffusing knowledge and information;

5. Facilitate development and strengthening of learning and knowledge sharing culture within PCAF, between and among its partners and stakeholders and between and among the NAF Council and its instrumentalities;

6. Provide advice and support on how to embed KM into ongoing programs/projects and in the design of new program/projects (e.g. in feed backing, reporting and documentation systems; in tracking, monitoring and evaluation systems; etc.);

7. Package and transform key agency knowledge and information (e.g. replicable program/project experiences, good/best innovative practices, successful models, lessons learned, network of experts, etc.) into popular and digital forms for widespread dissemination and diffusion to partners and stakeholders;

8. Design and implement strategic communication, information, education and communication and social marketing plans, programs and initiatives; and

9. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.



1. Provide technical leadership, guidance and support to the consultative bodies (CBs) and other events/activities of the stakeholders on policy development and other related concerns at the national level;

2. Undertake timely analysis and assessment of strategic directives and policies relevant to the agri-fisheries sector, in order to ensure development of effective response to current key challenges, future scenarios and emerging issues in the sector;

3. Collaborate with other technical departments and partners in the conduct of researches and/or policy studies to generate substantive inputs, relevant agenda and/or up to date reference for use during consultations and other stakeholder forums;

4. Facilitate conduct of relevant studies on strategic agricultural and fishery key challenges, trends, issues and concerns, relative to scope of AFMA mandate; and

5. Advocate for creating enabling environment/policies/initiatives that will encourage participatory development in agricultural and fishery sectors at the national level.

6. Lead the implementation and oversight of the Constructors Performance Evaluation System (CPES) at the Department of Agriculture (DA) for a systematic, objective, and standardized assessment of agricultural and fisheries infrastructure projects in compliance with established evaluation frameworks and performance criteria.

7. Implement and oversee a structured, private-led classification and accreditation system for agricultural and fisheries machinery assemblers, manufacturers, importers, and dealers, ensuring adherence to applicable regulatory and industry standards. Provide technical, administrative, and logistical support to the NAMDAC classification and accreditation system, supervise the evaluation and certification of agricultural and fisheries machinery enterprises, and serve as the lead technical and secretariat support unit for the National Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dealers Accreditation and Classification (NAMDAC) Board, as well as for the Committee of Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization, assisting in policy formulation, regulatory oversight, and strategic coordination for sector advancement.


 A. Council Support and Coordination Section

1. Formulate and implement plans, programs, projects and activities to facilitate operations of the NAF Council, Steering Committee and TWCs;

2. Facilitate inter-agency and inter-sectoral planning, advocacy and collaboration on TWCs strategic development agenda;

3. Coordinate private and government sectors’ active involvement in council/ committee activities;

4. Provide technical leadership and guidance and secretariat support to the NAF Council, Steering Committee and TWCs;

4. Undertake and/or assist in the conduct of policy researches to provide inputs, agenda and/or strategic advice during consultations and other stakeholder forums;

6. Establish monitoring and feedback mechanism on policy, program and project recommendations;

7. Undertake strategic level analysis to provide advice on appropriate /responsive policies and action for Agri fisheries modernization and development as well as to develop agency position/s on sectoral and strategic issues and concerns; and

8. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


B. Sectoral Policy Development Section

1. Formulate and implement plans, programs, projects and activities to facilitate operations of the commodity-based National Sectoral Committees;

2. Facilitate inter-agency planning, advocacy and collaboration on sectoral strategic development agenda;

3. Coordinate private and government sectors’ active involvement in the activities of the committee and other policy making bodies within/outside the DA;

4. Provide technical leadership, guidance and support to the commodity-based NSCs;

5. Undertake and/or assist in the conduct of policy researches to provide inputs, agenda and/or strategic advice during consultations and other stakeholder forums;

6. Establish monitoring and feedback mechanism on policy, program and project recommendations;

7. Undertake strategic level analysis to provide advice on appropriate /responsive policies and action for Agri fisheries modernization and development as well as to develop agency position/s on sectoral issues and concerns;

8. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


C. Strategic Concerns Section

1. Formulate and implement plans, programs, projects and activities to facilitate operations of the National Sectoral Committees on strategic concerns;

2. Facilitate inter-agency planning, advocacy and collaboration on sectoral strategic development agenda;

3. Coordinate private and government sectors’ active involvement in activities of the National Sectoral Committees on strategic concerns;

4. Provide technical leadership, guidance and support to the National Sectoral Committees on strategic concerns;

5. Establish monitoring and feedback mechanism on policy, program and project recommendations;

6. Undertake and/or assist in the conduct of policy researches to provide inputs, agenda and/or strategic advice during consultations and other stakeholder forums;

7. Undertake strategic level analysis to provide advice on appropriate /responsive policies and action for Agri fisheries modernization and development as well as to develop agency position/s on sectoral issues and concerns; and

8. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


D. Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization and Infrastructure Support Section

1. Lead the implementation and oversight of the Constructors Performance Evaluation System (CPES) at the Department of Agriculture (DA) to ensure a systematic, objective, and standardized assessment of agricultural and fisheries infrastructure projects in compliance with established evaluation frameworks and performance criteria.

2. Develop, maintain, and operate a centralized database system for storing all CPES information and documents related to projects and constructors, accreditation records of Constructors Performance Evaluators (CPEs), and records of NAMDAC-accredited agricultural and fisheries machinery assemblers, manufacturers, importers, and dealers, to support transparency, monitoring, regulatory compliance, and evidence-based policy decisions.

3. Manage the accreditation process for Constructors Performance Evaluators (CPEs) to establish and maintain a pool of qualified experts capable of conducting objective and standardized evaluations of DA-funded infrastructure projects.

4. Implement and oversee a structured, private-led classification and accreditation system for agricultural and fisheries machinery assemblers, manufacturers, importers, and dealers, ensuring adherence to applicable regulatory and industry standards.

5. Provide extensive technical, administrative, and logistical support to the NAMDAC classification and accreditation system, supervising the evaluation and accreditation of agricultural and fisheries machinery suppliers to enhance industry integrity and regulatory compliance.

6. Serve as the lead technical and secretariat support unit for the National Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, Distributors, and Dealers Accreditation and Classification (NAMDAC) Board, as well as the National Committee of Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization (CAFMech), assisting in policy formulation, regulatory oversight, and strategic coordination for the advancement of the sector.



1. Engage and sustain broad-based stakeholders’ involvement in agriculture and fisheries modernization initiatives through the establishment and management of a network of volunteers from both government and private sector;

2. Provide enabling environment for feasible and practical inter-sectoral social allies to raise people’s awareness of and demand for a particular development program, to assist in the delivery of resources and services and to strengthen community participation for sustainability and self-reliance;

3. Ensure the provision and/or conduct of quality, timely and cost-effective capability development activities for individual and institutional members of the various agricultural and fishery consultative bodies (Agricultural and Fishery Councils or AFCs, National Sectoral Committees or NSCs, and NAF Council including its Technical Working Committees or TWCs;

4. Provide technical leadership, guidance and administrative support in the conduct of activities of stakeholders of the local level;

5. Maximize opportunities for the involvement of the consultative bodies, volunteer members and other relevant organizations and groups in strategic policy/program dialogues and national advocacy efforts.


A. Volunteer Management Section

1. Design, plan and implement recruitment and retention policy;

2. Develop/maintain database of members of consultative bodies and networking files;

3. Develop and implement operations manual to institutionalize stakeholders’ participation;

4. Develop and/or implement appropriate rewards and recognition modalities and other structured motivational programs for all volunteer partners;

5. Maximize opportunities for involvement of the volunteers in all development processes;

6. Monitor performance of AFCs, NSCs and volunteer members; and

7. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


B. Capacity Development Section

1. Integrate/oversee capability building for stakeholders;

2. Conduct training needs assessment of stakeholders;

3. Formulate capability building programs for the stakeholders;

4. Facilitate and/or conduct training/seminars and other educational activities needed to enable volunteer-members perform functions, address issues and concerns, and set and achieve organizational and sector goals and objectives;

5. Monitor and evaluate results of capacity development activities conducted; and

6. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.


 C. Social Mobilization Section

1. Provide technical leadership, guidance and financial support in the conduct of regular meetings of the AFCs;

2. Advocate for the establishment/reactivation of AFCs and in providing support to the consultative bodies;

3. Advocate for creating enabling environment/policies/initiatives that will encourage participatory development in agricultural and fishery sectors at the local level;

4. Scout/explore possible resource streams to sustain operations of local consultative bodies and ensure the provision and/or facilitation of logistics support to private sector-led partners and stakeholders;

5. Manage, implement and/or coordinate all PCAF-implemented programs, projects and other collaborative efforts to support stakeholders’ activities and initiatives;

6. Spearhead and/or facilitate in the building of networks and alliances with strategic and potential partners; and

7. Perform other functions as may be assigned by the management.