The beauty of losing battle and breaking barriers

When the African Swine Fever (ASF) was first reported in the Philippines in 2019, the local hog industry, both commercial and backyard hog farmers, did not realize that the incident would have its impact beyond numbers. In a conversation with one of the rural women leaders in Cagayan Valley in March 2023, the Philippine Council continue reading…

DA RFO2, RAFC 2 partners for 1st Women in Agri Congress to combat barriers, pushes policy shifts in A&F

The Department of Agriculture Regional Field Office (DA RFO) 02 collaborated with the Regional Agricultural and Fishery Council (RAFC) in Cagayan Valley to end gender-based discrimination in the region and encourage them to participate in policy-making through the First Women in Agriculture Congress on March 30, 2023 in Iguig, Cagayan. “Sa pamamagitan ng ating First continue reading…

Gov’t agencies, industry stakeholders review AFMech Law implementation

  Nearly a decade since the enactment of the Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization (AFMech) Law, national and local government representatives, together with industry stakeholders, reviewed its implementation during the 2023 National AFMech Summit on March 8-9, 2023 in Tanza, Cavite. Republic Act 10601, otherwise known as AFMech Law, aims to promote the development and adoption continue reading…

PCAF Committee on CCENR recommends strengthening AWS, capacitating farmers and fishers to use agromet instruments

The Committee on Climate Change, Environment, and Natural Resources recommended the strengthening of Automated Weather Stations (AWS) in all provinces and municipalities to help farmers determine the most suitable time for planting, and for fisherfolk to avoid extreme weather conditions in the sea. This recommendation was made during the Committee’s first quarter meeting on February continue reading…

Newly promoted PCAF employees take oath

Executive Director Nestor Domenden administered the oath of office to the new set of promoted personnel of the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) in a ceremony on February 20, 2023, in Quezon City.  The five newly promoted PCAF employees will be assigned to the Planning, Monitoring and Knowledge Management Division (PMKMD).  Floreliz Avellana continue reading…

NBPC on Corn recommends improvements to support 1.16M Filipino corn farmers

More than 1.16 million Filipino farmers depend on corn production as their main source of livelihood. This was according to the presentation of Department of Agriculture-National Corn Program (DA-NCP) Director U-Nichols Manalo during the National Banner Program Committee (NBPC) on Corn’s online special meeting on February 10, 2023. Dir. Manalo emphasized the importance of corn continue reading…