Sec. Dar discusses key plans and deals with urgent sectoral concerns in RTD with NBPCs and OPPCs Chairpersons

A Round Table Discussion (RTD) with Agriculture Secretary William Dar and the National Banner Program Committees (NBPCs) and Other Priority Program Committees (OPPCs) Chairpersons was held on May 11, 2022.  The meeting was held in response to the NBPCs and OPPCs’ request for a deeper discussion with the Secretary during the last National Agriculture and continue reading…

CAFMech recommends support for small agri-fishery machinery suppliers

In the second regular meeting of the Committee on Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization (CAFMech) on May 11, 2022, the Philippine Center for Postharvest Development and Mechanization (PhilMech) shared its plan to increase the agency’s engagement with local suppliers in procuring agri-fishery machinery and equipment. In support of this and in strengthening the local manufacturing industry, continue reading…

CAFMech Task Force on PNS/PABES reviews draft standards of various machinery equipment, focuses on PH coconut mechanization

The Committee on Agricultural and Fisheries Mechanization (CAFMech) Task Force on the Identification and Prioritization of Philippine National Standards (PNS)/Philippine Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering Standards (PABES) for Development, Review and Revision convened on May 2, 2022 to discuss various proposals on the development and amendment of PNS for agri-fisheries machinery and equipment. The Task Force continue reading…

Committee on Int’l Trade intensifies efforts against smuggling

In the special meeting of the Committee on International Trade (CIT) on April 26, 2022, Assistant Secretary for the Department of Agriculture (DA)-Wide Field Inspectorate Federico Laciste, Jr. reported the recent anti-smuggling operations conducted by the Sub-Task Group on Economic Intelligence (STG-IE) in key areas. The team concentrated in Navotas, Divisoria, Malabon, Bulacan, Quezon, Subic continue reading…

Western Visayas gears for PCAF-led evaluation of performance of constructors of DA infra projects for 2022

The Constructor’s Performance Evaluators (CPEs) team conducted an evaluation of constructors performance of infrastructure projects in Western Visayas on April 4 to 8, 2022. Led by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF), the team was composed of the Department of Agriculture (DA) Regional Field Offices (RFOs) in MIMAROPA, Eastern Visayas, and members of continue reading…