PCAF, NLP partner for 2023 Nat’l Livestock and Poultry Forum

In partnership with the Department of Agriculture-National Livestock Program (DA-NLP), the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) held the 2023 National Livestock and Poultry Forum on October 25-26, 2023 in Nasugbu, Batangas. More than 70 industry stakeholders, national government representatives, and provincial veterinarians attended the activity to formulate actionable policy recommendations for safeguarding the continue reading…

PCAF engages stakeholders, gov’t agencies to revive the Nat’l Salt Industry

Recognizing the need to revive the national salt industry, the Department of Agriculture-Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (DA-PCAF), in collaboration with the DA- Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (DA-BFAR) and the DA-National Fisheries Research and Development Institute (DA-NFRDI), conducted the National Salt Industry Stakeholders’ Consultation on October 17-18, 2023 in San Jose De continue reading…

SRI adoption gets boost in PCAF-organized forum

Recommendations to promote System of Rice Intensification (SRI) adoption—such as increased the budget allocation for organic inputs, inclusion in research and development initiatives, and enhanced information campaign—were among the outputs during the SRI Forum facilitated by the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF).   Over 130 participants took part in the hybrid conduct of continue reading…

AFCs in Mindanao B advocate a strong linkage between LGU and AFCs in all agri-fishery development processes

The Agricultural and Fishery Councils (AFCs) from the Davao Region, SOCCSKSARGEN, and the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM) unanimously appealed to formalize and secure the link between the local government units (LGUs) and AFCs for their involvement in the development of the agri-fishery development processes. The call was raised during the Philippine Council continue reading…

PCAF holds CPES Seminar Workshop cum Practicum

The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF), in collaboration with the Department of Trade and Industry-Construction Industry Authority of the Philippines (DTI-CIAP) and the Department of Agriculture-Regional Field Office (DA-RFO) III, conducted the Constructors’ Performance Evaluation System (CPES) Seminar Workshop cum Practicum on September 11-15, 2023 in Angeles City, Pampanga. The activity, which is continue reading…

PH signs BBNJ treaty protecting marine biodiversity

  After almost two decades of negotiations with other United Nations (UN) member states, the country has signed the treaty under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National Jurisdiction (BBNJ) agreement. Department of Foreign Affairs Secretary Enrique Manalo continue reading…