PCAF orients new employees on QMS and ISO

Aside from the onboarding activity that features the mission and vision of the agency, the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) conducted another onboarding session focused on Quality Management System (QMS) and International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9001:2015 on January 27, 2023 to its seven newly hired employees.   In coordination with the Human Resource continue reading…

NBPC on Coconut calls for increased PCA operational funds

To ensure the continuous development of the Philippine coconut industry, the National Banner Program Committee (NBPC) on Coconut recommended to both Houses of Congress the annual increase of allocated operational funds to the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA). The Committee passed the policy recommendation after it discussed PCA’s plans and programs concerning Republic Act (RA) 11524, continue reading…

OPPC on GESI pushes for institutionalization of DA’s GAD service

The Other Priority Program Committee (OPPC) on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) pushed for the institutionalization of the Department of Agriculture’s Gender and Development (GAD) service towards more effective planning and implementation of DA GAD-related programs.  During a blended Small Group Meeting on January 18, 2023, the Committee discussed a proposal calling for the continue reading…

Eastern Visayas PMT reports reveal improved mobility and better access to services for FMR beneficiaries

The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) participatory monitoring and tracking (PMT) reports revealed that farm-to-market roads (FMRs) in Eastern Visayas have provided beneficiaries with improved mobility and easier access to government services such as schools and health centers.  The PMT activity conducted on September 18 to 23, 2022, looked into nine FMR projects continue reading…

NBPCs and OPPCs eye strengthened participatory processes through M&E; revitalized consultative mechanisms

The National Banner Program Committees (NBPCs) and Other Priority Program Committees (OPPCs) of the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) formulated strategic options and solutions to pressing issues confronting the agency’s participatory processes and consultative mechanisms during a roundtable discussion on December 14 to 16, 2022, in Tagaytay City. The roundtable discussion brought together continue reading…