NSC on GESI discusses DA Offices’ GAD initiatives

The Department of Agriculture-National Organic Agriculture Program (DA-NOAP) and DA-Climate Resilient Agriculture Office (DA-CRAO) presented their respective gender and development (GAD) initiatives during the NSC on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) fourth quarter meeting on December 7, 2023. Under the DA-NOAP, Project Development Support Division Chief Eliza Antinero discussed four initiatives—the Participatory Guarantee System continue reading…

NSC on GESI provides input on Inter-Agency on Rural Women, reviews institutionalization of DA-GAD office

To strengthen the integration of gender perspective across the national government, particularly within the Department of Agriculture (DA), the National Sectoral Committee on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (NSC on GESI) convened on July 21, 2023 to discuss the policy study to institutionalize DA-GESI and the draft Executive Order in creating an Inter-Agency Council for continue reading…

OPPC on GESI promotes increase of women and minority group inclusion in RSBSA and other DA interventions

The Committee on Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI), in its second regular meeting on July 22, 2022, passed a policy resolution recommending to the Registry System for Basic Sectors in Agriculture-National Program Management Office (RSBSA-NPMO) the conduct of a massive information, education and communication campaign on the importance of RSBSA. It aims to create continue reading…

PCAF promotes Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion in worksite

The Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) conducted a webinar on Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion (GEDSI) on December 9, 2021.  Spearheaded by PCAF’s Senior Citizens and Persons with Disability Committee, the activity aims to create greater awareness on the  concepts and policy imperatives relative to the topic. Subsequently, it hopes to create continue reading…

PCAF employees go “Sol Searching”

As part of the Gender and Development-Focal Point System’s (GAD-FPS) continued promotion on the relevance of women on empowerment, gender equality, and issues confronting women in the agri-fishery sector, employees from the Philippine Council for Agriculture and Fisheries (PCAF) conducted a virtual screening and discussion on the film titled “Sol Searching” on July 2, 2021. continue reading…